My poems

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Saturday, January 23, 2016

My Ponderings

Some friends are miles apart from me,
But in my heart they are always in view.
Childhood went and so did college,
Job & family are challenges new. 

A face remembered here or a name,
the face & name sometimes don't align.
It is said memories do fade with time,   
It is a blessing when the two combine.

We all have to live in the present, 
Time passes and goes by very fast.  
Neither worrying for imminent future 
nor hankering for the gone past

Tomorrow as the sun rises,
A new chapter begins for me. 
I ponder over my achievements,
work done and work yet not done.

Not in the materialistic way, 
I am sure you would agree.
Not in the way of popularity,
for me it is not a necessity.

Spiritual healing, is now my life,
to help heal and teach others to heal.
To remain cool and free from strife,
Thus achieve the progress spiritual.

What there after, you would enquire,
Even I do not know, it's just my call.
I am no saint and I am no seer,
A better person I want me to ensure.

renukakkar 28.11.2015


  1. Life goes on, untouched and always.... Tomorrow is a function of time..... as humans we have only our today.....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
