My poems

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Saturday, August 23, 2014


Let us put a price tag on words,
priceless would be their costs.

With compassion when uttered, 
bringing peace and ending wars.

Listen to the words of God,
which are very  precious indeed.
The words are not from surround,
But the heart where god does reside.

Harsh words uttered by relations,
hurt us but they are for  our reforms.
listen not to the spoken harsh tones,
but the message conveyed within its folds.

Words spoken by friends, near and dear,
are straight from the heart and very clear.
wellness at heart they hold never doubt or fear,

your problems they share by lending an ear.

Many lessons in life do words teach,
Through words we experience defeat.
through words we grow and spiritually reach
But no words are there when we are at peace.

renukakkar 21.08.2014
Copyright @2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

Crossroads Of Life

At a crossroad of my life I today stand
Thinking what do I have today in my hand?
Turning back is not possible you said,
Much water has flown since we last met.

Going forward at same pace in the current direction,
I am warned of hidden perils in every situation.
Turning to the left or the right of the current path,
From the dear loved one I will most certainly depart.

Decisions in life we always make in haste,
Then have the hindsight of time going waste.
Not realizing that it was a lesson to be learnt,
Moving on with knowledge not to again get burnt.

We are Spiritual being living a human existence,
Learning is a part and parcel of ascendance.
Let me not lament for things mundane,
Next lesson to learn I am ready to face again. 

renukakkar 3.3.2014
Copyright@ 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Shooting Star For Me And You

Once I saw a shooting star, 
falling from the sky. 
It lit up the darkness of the night, 
as it passed me by. 

So shiny did it seem to me, 

like a diamond placed up there. 
The long reddish tail behind it, 
seemed to be burning air. 

Scientists have a name for it, 

they call it a meteorite. 
But for me it is important differently, 
To make a wish with all my might. 

So I made a genuine wish, 

Let us see if it comes true. 
A wish to last till eternity, 
To give blessings for me and you. 
renukakkar 09.08.2013