My poems

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Slowly slowly he came into my life

Slowly slowly he came into my life,
and I don't know when he stole my heart.

I had never thought that this could happen
but without asking he left with me his heart.

How do i handle the situation as it is beyond my control,
quietly quietly he became the permanent guest of my heart.

He has gone and settled abroad,
and without asking he keeps comes into my thoughts.

It is the limit now of all this comings and goings,
if he comes today,reality will take the place of thoughts. 

renukakkar 07.01.2012

Come air please come to me now

Come air please come to me now,
my important message you take to her.
I have to meet her today somehow,
please go and deliver this message to her. 

Her fragrance comes with the breeze,
and I feel that she is here with me. 
Even though she is not present here,
but I feel that she is always near. 

Go go and tell her now only,
explain to her she is my life definitely.
We are life partners from many lives,
make her understand this fact positively.

Tell her how can I live without her,
go make her understand this today.
Without wings may she come flying,
my heart's message she could hear without my speaking.

Come air please come now,
my important message you take to her.
I have to meet her today somehow,
please go and deliver this message to her. 

renukakkar 13.1.2011

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I have been here before

Sometimes I feel I have been here before,
but when and how i just can not remember.
Is it an emotion rising from the heart's core,
or a dream sequence which one sees in slumber.

Perhaps it is a premonition of things to come,
of the visions I see coming in pieces.
Perhaps giving warnings of tragic fearsome,
which may adversely effect my mental peace.  

Perhaps the intuitions are of happy times to come,
the visuals that I see fleeting before my eyes.
Telling me that life is not yet done,
Do I wait for the dream sequence to becomes a reality.

I know you as if from a distant dream land,
we have been close my heart proclaims.
How long ago was this I cannot understand,
a veil falls when I search within my heart and soul.

As I search within for an answer,
no reply is forthcoming as is expected.
Future events are meant not to be clear,
only when time comes are events revealed.

renukakkar 19.1.2012