As babies we took our first steps unsteady,
Encouragement and guidance made them steady.
And toddled rhythmically across the floor,
Until our bolder steps took us out of the front door.
You worried as to whether we kids were alright,
As we walked life's unknown path straight.
Anything more left to be taught at our tender age,
As we passed through school and college.
Boldly take on life's challenges were your lessons,
That you would be besides us in our endeavors.
Your promise gave us more strength and forbearance,
To to go where ever we wanted with confidence.
You directed us to our destiny and the work to be done,
Now you look around and find your children gone,
To make our own decisions and stick by them.
Where have they gone and how did you let them?.
Mother, no matter where ever we are,
For us you are our shinning star.
Guiding us spiritually like a beacon,
Like homing pigeons we will return.
renukakkar 8.5.2011
Encouragement and guidance made them steady.
And toddled rhythmically across the floor,
Until our bolder steps took us out of the front door.
You worried as to whether we kids were alright,
As we walked life's unknown path straight.
Anything more left to be taught at our tender age,
As we passed through school and college.
Boldly take on life's challenges were your lessons,
That you would be besides us in our endeavors.
Your promise gave us more strength and forbearance,
To to go where ever we wanted with confidence.
You directed us to our destiny and the work to be done,
Now you look around and find your children gone,
To make our own decisions and stick by them.
Where have they gone and how did you let them?.
Mother, no matter where ever we are,
For us you are our shinning star.
Guiding us spiritually like a beacon,
Like homing pigeons we will return.
renukakkar 8.5.2011